Entries by Jeffrey Ian Ross

What’s my favorite Dylan song?

There’s probably no musician alive today, whose music I’ve followed as closely, as Bob Dylan’s. Not only have I bought and listened to most of his albums, read articles and books about him, including his memoir Chronicles: Volume One, watched numerous music videos of him playing, but I’ve also seen him perform live. That being […]

My beef with Person Centered Language (PCL) 

For more than a decade a number of scholars and activists have expressed difficultly with the terms convict, inmate, offender, prisoner and felon. This problem has extended to using these labels preceded by the word “ex.” Recently this criticism has extended to difficulty with calling former President Trump a felon. People opposed to using these […]

Time to Consider Immersive Vacations

As another summer draws to a close, many who were fortunate enough to take a vacation find themselves reflecting on their experiences. If you’re looking for something different next time, consider the idea of immersive or ‘slow’ vacationing What is Immersive Travel? Immersive travel involves spending a significant period of time—usually two or more weeks—in […]

Recognizing Canada’s Prisoners’ Justice Day & United States’ Black August

Correctional facilities have four main objectives: ensuring community safety, deterring crime, rehabilitating inmates, and punishing those sentenced to incarceration. Although jails and prisons are not intended to be comfortable, they must respect universally accepted standards of humane treatment.  Incarceration should neither be life-threatening nor life ending for inmates. Meanwhile, globally, prisons face numerous challenges, including […]

Bars with Character and Characters

When I think of a bar with character, I imagine a venue that is more than just a place to grab a drink. It is usually a venue steeped in history, sometimes filled with eclectic décor, and buzzing with the energy of its clientele, servers, and occasional performers. But what does it really mean for […]