Entries by Jeffrey Ian Ross

Trump gets COVID-19 and the world goes crazy

This past week we learned that not only did Hope Hicks, President Donald Trump’s former trusted advisor contract COVID-19, but so did Trump and many of the people whom he closely associated with during a recent Rose Garden ceremony. Predictably lots of people from the drunk at the end of the bar, to the army […]

Progressives need to be more critical of Assange

Over the past four years, numerous high-profile national political dramas have unfolded, some with international implications. One of them has been the United States government’s attempt to extradite Julian Assange, the head of WikiLeaks, from the United Kingdom to the United States, primarily for computer security violations. Assange, who until recently overstayed his welcome as […]

Preventing peaceful protests from being hijacked by people engaging in violence

We’ve seen the peaceful protests, the looters, the police use of excessive force, and now the vigilantes. For peaceful protestors, the majority of those out in the streets exercising their first amendment rights, this moment in American history cannot be overlooked. It’s pivotal. We care about living in cities and a country where African-American citizens […]