Entries by Jeffrey Ian Ross

Time to remove offensive memorials, monuments, and statues

From buildings, to parks, to museums, cities have erected monuments, statues, and memorials in public spaces. These structures vary in size; they can be as big as a building, or as small as a plaque. They force people to interchangeably honor, celebrate, commemorate, and/or remember incidents and people who were at one point in time […]

In the struggle to #defundthepolice, where does the money go?

There are lots of things to love about The Wizard of OZ. One of my favorite parts is when the munchkins sing and dance to the song, “Ding Dong the witch is dead.” Just listening, watching and remembering the performance fills me with hope. I got that same feeling when I hear activists, scholars, and […]

Graffiti & Street Art in reaction to the death of George Floyd

Shortly after George Floyd was killed by a white Minneapolis police officer (May 25, 2020), many graffiti and street artists responded. Tags, throw-ups, and memorial style work appeared throughout the country honoring Floyd’s memory; the legacy of black lives taken at the hands of law enforcement; and, expressing dissatisfaction with police, the criminal justice system, […]