Entries by Jeffrey Ian Ross

Who is the real criminologist? And other uncomfortable questions about expertise

Unless I’m mistaken, there are two situations in which people can legitimately claim to call themselves a criminologist. In the first instance, many criminal justice agencies and other relevant government organizations hire individuals for the job title “Criminologist.” In order to be considered for this designation, the person must possess, the necessary specified qualifications (usually […]

Calling out cat calling: Men need to step up

If you’re a woman, particularly if you live or work in an urban setting, you are bound to be cat called. What’s cat calling? This is typically when men (and sometimes boys), alone or in groups whistle, make sexually suggestive comments or noises when women or girls pass by, or say, at different volume levels […]

Have a good time but remember…Some friendly advice for university students who are about to take a break from their studies this summer

If you are a university student, and want to have a more enjoyable and productive experience when you return to classes this fall, I have some friendly advice. In roughly three months classes resume. Regardless if they will be in person, hybrid, or on-line, during the summer you will have numerous distractions, but you will […]