Entries by Jeffrey Ian Ross

How American prison conditions can impact extradition requests

The United States is known around the world for lots of great things. Often referred to as the land of opportunity, America is blessed with spectacular wilderness areas replete with natural beauty, well-respected educational and medical institutions, generally friendly people, and Disneyland . But all that glitters is not gold. The US is also recognized […]


Numerous films focusing on Japanese cooking or chefs have been released to Western audiences. One of the more recent iconic and celebrated is David Gelb’s 2011 documentary, Jiro Dreams of Sushi. The movie reviews the work (and to a lesser extent the life) of Jiro Ono, a humble and modest 85-year old Tokyo based sushi […]

On-line reviewer platforms, restaurants, and the privileging of mediocrity

Over the past 13 years a number of on-line review platforms like Google Maps, TripAdvisor, and Yelp have been launched that enable individuals to make decisions about restaurants to patronize. Although the results produced by these relatively convenient user-generated content websites and apps reduce readers costs of acquiring information, and can warn them about really […]

Cities must prioritize the provision of accessible, well-maintained, and secure public restrooms

Big cities suffer from numerous problems. One intractable and long-standing challenge has been a failure to provide residents, commuters, and tourists with adequate places to go to the bathroom. From mothers with children in tow, to the burgeoning homeless population, this state of affairs presents an intractable inconvenience. For example, few urban public transportation systems […]

On the importance of Ted Robert Gurr’s WHY MEN REBEL

I periodically ask myself what are the top 10 books, movies, songs, pieces of visual art, television series, etc. that have influenced me and why? This exercise forces me to reexamine these items more closely, critically answer why I thought they were important, and why they may be better or worse than other creative works […]