Entries by Jeffrey Ian Ross

My Go-To scholarly books on graffiti

Numerous English language books have been written and published on the subject of contemporary Graffiti and Street Art. A subset of these publications have focused almost exclusively on graffiti. This work falls into a handful of genres ranging from coffee table books to academic and scholarly efforts. Least prevalent are a handful scholarly/academic (I use […]

The Shopkeepers’ Dilemma as a Pedagogical Tool

Instructors use a variety of methods to deliver content to undergraduate students, including those that foster critical thinking. Although traditional methods like lectures, assigned videos, and exercises from textbooks can be valuable, facilitating engagement and interaction is typically a more effective strategy for student learning. To enable this type of pedagogy, I often present field-relevant […]

Recognizing the Power of Satire in Graffiti and Street Art

Multiple types of graffiti and street art can be found in public spaces throughout the world. Not only does this work transcend the techniques used in its creation, the places where it appears, but most importantly its content. Some of the most memorable, pivotal, impactful, or even shocking kinds of graffiti and street art (conveyed […]

Should Criminologists speak to the news media?

Depending on lots of factors (including your specialization, department/school, college or university, and the number and type of news media outlets where you live), academic criminologists may be asked by reporters, journalists, and other news media support personnel (like bookers) to provide commentary or analysis on crime and criminal justice related topics. More specifically, news […]

Working the Night Shift

In our postindustrial and highly diverse and urbanized world, many people navigate life during unconventional hours. One of the notable often-overlooked group that occupies this space are referred to as “night owls,” “night people,” and “night workers.” In principle, night owls, are people who “come alive” at night. We see them on the street, running, […]