Entries by Jeffrey Ian Ross

Why are people and organizations unable or unwilling to use experts?

We live in a complicated world. It’s often hard to know what to believe and whose advice to trust. One way we make sense out of the confusion and improve our lot in life is by depending upon experts, and the advice they give. These individuals (and organizations) typically have domain knowledge, experience, and relevant […]

How I procrastinated on major projects in 2022

Another year is almost in the bag and, in general, I’m happy with how things worked out. Yes, I failed to make good on a number of commitments to myself and others, but things are going to be different in 2023. I promise. One thing I’m proud of is that while I dragged my feet […]

What’s wrong with Native American land acknowledgements at university commencement and graduation exercises?

In the northern hemisphere December brings with it cold weather, preparations for and celebration of holidays like Hanukah, Christmas, and Kwanza, and in many colleges and universities commencement exercises. During this event, students who meet the requirements of graduation, who did not complete their degrees in the spring semester, and/or did not formally participate in […]